Pre-cruise Hotel
Sheraton Ft Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port Hotel
1825 Griffin Rd, Dania, FL. 33004
Learn more about the hotel

Daily rate 155.00, includes breakfast, does not include tax rate ends 1/3/15
 Click here to reserve your room
Or call 1-800-325-3535 & tell them you are with Florida Romance Writers group

FAQ-staying at the hotel
Will I need to pay for hotel parking?
For overnight guests parking is $10.00 per night.

Is there a shuttle from hotel to airport?
Yes, it is complimentary.

Is there a shuttle from hotel to Port Everglades, Ft Lauderdale?
Yes, it is $7.00 per person.

Can I leave my car at the hotel while on the cruise?
Yes, rate is $15.00 per day.

Pre-cruise party
Wednesday, February 4th, 2015 at 6:30pm
Join us for a night of food, fun and fabulous networking.
A selection of  delicious appetizers will be served.
A cash bar available for cocktails and other beverages.

Come to meet our fabulous Guests:
Julia Quinn
Nalini Alokolar with Spencerhill Associates Ltd.
Beth Campbell with Bookends LLC
Leah Hultenschmidt with Grand Central Publishing
Rhonda Penders with Wild Rose Press
Peter Senftleben with Kensington Books
Deb Werksman with Sourcebooks

Thank you so much for considering our event. Registration is closed. If you have any questions feel free to contact Kimberly Gonzalez at  305-775-5022 or

Sheraton Ft Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port Hotel
1825 Griffin Rd, Dania, FL. 33004